Week 6
Seaside Poems
This week our English work will again link to the work set for our topic work- The seaside!
First listen to the poems read aloud by clicking on the link below.
Once you have listened to the poems complete the tasks below.
Task 1
Listen again to the poem 'Goodness Gracious' and then pause the video. Look carefully and make a list the pairs of rhyming words.
Can you think of other words to add to each pair?
Task 2
Listen again to all the poems and think carefully about what each one is about. Then decide which of the poems is your favourite- why do you like it? is it funny? Does it rhyme?
Tell a member of your family about the poem and why you like it.
Task 3
Choose one of the poems from the video. Then think carefully about the words and the sounds that can be heard. Try to add body actions and different sounds to produce a piece of performance poetry.
Maybe a grown up can video you so you can watch yourself perform!
Task 4
Draw/collage a picture of the seaside, think about all the things you can see, hear, smell, touch and taste when you visit the seaside. Write a list of these around the edge of your picture.
Task 5
Write an acrostic poem using the word seaside e.g.
Sand tickling my toes
Excited children splash in the sea
Around the rock pools crabs scurry and hide
Task 6
Once you have finished practise reading your poem aloud several times. Then read aloud to other members of your family, remember to use a big clear voice.