Year 5/6
Mr Wylie, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Prince and Miss Topham are delighted to welcome you to Years 5 and 6.
Our Teaching and Learning Assistants are Mrs Painter, Mrs Fowkes, Mrs Wood and Miss Higgins.
We are looking forward to our learning across a range of exciting topics this year including:
- World War 2
- Fair trade
- Rainforests
- Victorians
- The British Empire
Forest School Fun
Year 6 taster day at Heanor Gate - We had a great day experiencing life at Heanor Gate!
Transition information - Year 5/6 2024-25
Our learning across Year 5 and 6
This year, our children will be learning some very exciting topics!
- The Mayans
- Rivers and Mountains
- The Egyptians
- Vikings
Tough Runner 2024!
We enjoyed a visit from Aldecar school to learn some British sign languge!
Mr Field led an assembly for years 5 & 6 to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
London 2024
World Book Day 2024!
We thoroughly enjoyed a hands-on experience dissecting a sheep's heart with staff from Aldercar High School.
We are really proud of our stuffed toys we made as part of our DT work...
December sports competition in school
Having fun mixing materials in science
We really enjoyed reading with our younger pupils as part of the whole school 'BIG READ.'
Important days to remember
Swimming will take place for all of our Year 5s on a Wednesday morning throughout the year - children need to make sure they remember their swimming bags on this day.
PE days may change each half term. For the Autumn Term 2, PE will take place as follows:
5J - Monday (PE), Wednesday (swimming)
Year 5s - Wednesday (swimming), Friday (PE)
Year 6s - Tuesday and Friday (PE)
6L - Tuesday and Friday (PE)
On days that children have PE, please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their correct PE kit (white top and blue jumper), along with a water bottle and earrings/jewellery removed.