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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Outdoor Learning

Friday 28th February 2020 


Fun at our Forest School!

4G braved sleet and heavy rain to enjoy an adventure outdoors today. We were all well wrapped up and had a great time in our Forest School area.


Mrs. McBean took us round the field to the fairy circle and showed us where the bird feeders are; we have to let her know when they need refilling. We saw signs of daffodils coming through and had to tread carefully so that we didn’t damage them. Then she showed us where she had discovered a natural spring running under our school field! It was very muddy! 


We kept ourselves warm by playing team games where we had to pass a hoop around our circle while we held hands. That was hilarious! Then we had to work in small teams to give clear instructions to guide a blindfolded partner to a special object.


Back at the fire pit, Mrs.McBean read us a story about a stick. Some of us then found our own special stick and went to the poly tunnel to turn it into a stick man using clay. We had a fantastic time in the forest area. We took turns on the tree swing, made bows from branches and ran around in the mud! Some of us were shown how to use a knife safely to make arrows.


Before we went back indoors, we had a cup of hot chocolate and a biscuit sitting round the fire while we listened to the rain falling on the canopy. We got wet and muddy but we didn’t mind a bit! We can’t wait to do it all again next week!  


