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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

May Half Term

Hello year 3!


We hope that you and your families are all okay.  We can’t believe that we have broken up for another half term already. It feels very strange!


You will be very pleased to know that we have not set you any work to complete this week but we have found a few activities that we thought you might enjoy completing.


Please do try to enjoy some sunshine and have a good rest this week too!


Don’t forget Joe Wicks will still be doing PE at 9am Monday – Friday if you would like to join in! Mrs Snow and I have been really enjoying his work-outs (but we must admit they are very hard!!).


We hope we can see you all soon when it is safe to do so but until then stay safe and keep smiling.


Happy half-term!


Miss Brooks and Mrs Snow
