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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


 Try to tick off as many as you can with your child/children during their time at Howitt Primary Community School.


 The children’s folders are kept in school at this time. There are many activities which can be achieved at home even during lockdown!


All you need to do it make a note of the number and collect some evidence, this may be written, recorded or even a photograph.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could give out  lots of awards?


  1. Raise at least £10 for a charity event
  2. Take part in a charity event out of school
  3. Organise a charity event/ run a stall
  4. Lead an assembly on a worthwhile topic
  5. Clean up the community
  6. Help improve an area of the school
  7. Keep a recycling diary
  8. Make an environmental poster
  9. Help someone in need
  10. Become a mini leader
  11. Care for new child at school/become a buddy and model good choices
  12. Take care of school equipment/be a successful classroom monitor over term
  13. Teach someone a new skill
  14. Encourage Healthy Eating – diary/poster/research
  15. Promote good hygiene in school/home – poster
  16. Sing in an old people’s home
  17. Make someone in our community smile, make a difference
  18.  Online Safety – promote and display appropriate us of IT equipment, report inappropriate use
  19. Follow or create a nature trail
  20. Hand something in of value that you have found
  21. Write a positive comment on our school website
  22. Build a memorial – eg. National Memorial Aboretum
  23. Random act of kindness – appear on our board
  24. Promote British Values – democracy, tolerance and respect
  25. Learn about someone else’s religion in your school or community