Autumn 2 - The Romans
Our question this half term is:
'What did the Romans do for us?'
We can't wait to learn about the Romans! We will be learning about the country the Romans came from, the Roman Empire, the invasions in Britain and Boudicca. We will also be learning about what the Romans changed in Britain and looking for evidence of this in Heanor town!
So far this half term, we have been improving our geography skills. We have explored the human and physical geography of Italy and we have created our own base maps! We have also been learning about volcanoes and Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii! We learned lots about the impacts that volcanic eruptions can have.
Take a look at our work:
We have also learned about the invasions of Britain and why Britain was a good place to invade. We are now reading a non-fiction text in English called 'What did the Romans do for us?' and we have been using story maps to help us to remember the new facts. We are really enjoying our learning!
We finished our learning by creating our own non-fiction booklets about 'What the Romans did for us.' We included all of the facts we had been learning about this half term and were really proud of our finished products!