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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy



Miss Gregg and Miss Holmes would like to welcome you to our Nursery

at Howitt Primary Community School.

In our Nursery, we believe in giving all the children the best possible start to their school life. Essentially, this is done by providing a safe, happy and friendly environment for our children.


We know that children learn most effectively through play. Our dedicated staff create an environment in which purposeful play can take place.  Our role is to observe, interact, enable and extend the children’s play in order that they gradually come to understand the world around them. Our curriculum is broken down into termly topics focusing on the children and their interests and seasonal changes around them.


Nursery sessions

Am session 8.30-11.30am

Pm session 12.30-3.30pm

All day session 8.30-3.30pm (bring your own lunch)

Extra sessions will cost £4.00 per hour

Breakfast club is also available from 7.30 am


Other useful information about our nursery and the Early Years can be found in our nursery prospectus. Please take a look and if you have any questions please come in and see the nursery staff.

Nursery Information Leaflet

Have a look around our nursery

Autumn 1 - Marvellous Me!

Autumn 2 - Nature's Toy Box

Spring 1 - Tell me a story

Spring 2 - Circle of life

Summer 1 - Search for a Hero

Summer 2 - Wonderful World

ECAT video
