Year 3
Please click here for our current Year 3/4 class pages, to see what we are learning!
In previous years, we have had separate Year 3 classes -
scroll down to see their learning below...
In year 3, we learn about some very exciting topics!
Autumn 1: India and the Indus Valley
Autumn 2: India and the Indus Valley
Spring 1: Ancient Greeks
Spring 2: Wild Weather
Summer 1: Heanor and the Howitts
Summer 2: Oceans and Continents
We have a rich and varied curriculum in year 3 and 4 and bring learning to life through visits and hands-on experiences.
Well done to our year 3 handwriting competition winners!
In year 3, we learn about some very exciting topics!
Autumn 1 and Autumn 2: The Savage Stone Age
Spring 1 and Spring 2: Romans on the Rampage
Summer 1: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Summer 2: James and the Giant Peach
We have a rich and varied curriculum in year 3 and bring learning to life through visits and hands-on experiences.
Weekly Homework
Please encourage your child to read at home at least 3 times a week. If your child reads 3 times a week, they will receive a merit. Remember, your child does not have to read their reading book, they can read a book from home or from the library.
Please encourage your child to go on Times Table Rock Stars regularly to practise their times tables. In year 3, we learn our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Children should know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from KS1.
Regular Dates
On Thursday mornings, we attend swimming lessons at Heanor Leisure Centre and on Wednesday afternoons throughout the year, we will be learning to play the ukulele with music teachers from the Schools Music Partnership.