After reading the story, help your child to find all the words that are new to them and make a list. There is lots of tricky vocabulary in this book. Find out what each word means - look on the internet for pictures to help with understanding.
Then have a go at using the words in sentences. Don't forget to include capital letters and full stops.
Write about what happens in the story and how the two main characters change through the book.
Look again at the part about the battlefield. How is it described? Which words are used? Write some sentences to describe what it is like and how the soldiers must have felt.
Follow the link to the E books library and choose your book band colour.
Use the Teach Handwriting website to practise letter formation and letter names.
Choose one of your favourite stories from home or from the E book library and write sentences to retell it in your own words. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces! As a challenge, now have a go at making up your own story.