Learning tools online - school has paid the subscription for these
Learning tools paid for by school...
Your child will have their login (user name and password) printed and stuck into their Reading Record book, so that they can access the following websites...
- Purple Mash - Purple Mash is a creative online space from 2Simple. Purple Mash hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day. ... As Purple Mash is online, children can continue their learning anywhere and anytime.
- My Maths - MyMaths is an interactive online teaching and homework subscription website for schools that builds pupil engagement and consolidates maths knowledge.
- Times Table Rock Stars - Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Children can 'battle' each other or can try to beat their own scores, to be the fastest times table in the school!
- Lexia (only some children have a logon for Lexia)
- Numbots (if school is closed, this will be available free of charge once we update the page)