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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Evening Owls



             Evening Owls






Howitt Primary Community School provides a safe and enjoyable after-school club for your child; giving flexibility to parents and carers. 


We are pleased to offer this service from 3.30pm until 6.00pm during term time at a cost of £8:50 per child per session.

Evening Owls’ is led by Mrs B Clarke and Mrs N Bridges. At the beginning of the session, the adults collect your child from their respective classrooms. We can collect your child from an after school club if necessary too. All children are welcome from nursery age through to year 6.


Our fully trained staff ensure that there is a wide range of activities on offer to the children such as various crafts, board games, outdoor games and lots more. A healthy snack and drink is also offered each evening e.g. cheese and crackers, sandwiches with a variety of fillings, hot dogs.


If you wish your child to attend, please go to the main office, register, and book a place.



