Year 5
Harvest Breakfast
On Thursday 5th October, we really enjoyed hosting our Harvest Breakfast to our invited guests. During the celebration, we performed some of our favourite songs and gave readings about the meaning of Harvest Festival. We also enjoyed sharing our breakfast with our own families.
Please click here for our current Year 5 and 6 class pages to see what we are learning.
In previous years, we have had separate Year 5 classes.
Please take a look at the learning below...
Our learning from 2022-2023
This year, our Year 5 children have been learning some very exciting topics!
- World War II
- The Victorians
- Rainforests
- Space
Our learning from 2021-2022
Please take a look below at some of the exciting learning we did in Year 5 last year.
Spring Term 1
Our Spring Term kicked off with our new topic - Ancient Egypt. Children have been busy conducting independent research, writing non-chronological reports, and designing their very own pyramids. We have been impressed and proud with how hard each of them have been working!
Autumn Term 2
Well done and thank you to all the Year 5 children who completed their homework projects about the Vikings. We were amazed, yet again, at all the imaginative and varied independent research projects completed.
Can you see yours?
Viking Homework Projects
Our new Food Technology skills programme got underway last week. So good to see children enjoying planning their meal, then shopping for the ingredients as a team, handling money and operating the till. Back to school to make their recipe, then tasting time... and of course the washing up! They all took their tea home with them... and gave the whole experience a big thumbs up! We will be repeating the sessions weekly this year, giving lots more children the chance to take part.
Year 5 enjoyed a Tough Rower session. Children were competing against each other to see who could row the furthest in one minute before taking part in a rowing relay race. It's safe to say that they were worn out by the end!
Autumn Term 1
Children in Year 5 have had a fantastic and busy start to the year.
Our topic for this half term was What Makes Britain Great? We challenged the children in Y5 to do some independent research and learning to find out Who Makes Britain Great? We were amazed by the children's effort, commitment and creativity towards their homework projects and thank you for your support.
Take a look at some of their fantastic projects.
We really enjoyed performing our Harvest Breakfast Assembly and inviting parents, carers, grandparents and governors to join us for a delicious harvest breakfast. We hope you enjoyed it too.

Children had a fantastic time celebrating European Languages Day. Children ate some French snacks and learned about some of the famous artwork that can be found in The Louvre. Children in 5J also had a go at recreating one of the masterpieces.
As part of our Topic, we have been looking at The British Values. We learned about democracy and voted for our School Council Representatives and Class Ambassadors.

We celebrated Dot Day on 15th September. Children in Year 5 created portraits of famous Britons using dots. We are really pleased with the final pieces - here's just a few of them!