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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Our Curriculum

Read our School Improvement Plan for 2024-25

Our Curriculum


Our curriculum is created to equip our children for life at school, in the community in Heanor, Derbyshire and the wider world in the 21st and 22nd centuries. We are mindful that the youngest children in our school could be alive in 2113 in an ever changing world.


We have therefore created an approach to learning which supports the understanding of academic skills with clear British values and attitudes. We provide the children with real life connections and experiences to promote an understanding of the world around them, independence and high aspirations.  We strive to equip the children to be critical thinkers who are actively engaged with the challenges and opportunities of life in an ever changing world outside of the classroom.


Our intention is for our children to become lifelong learners in areas of personal interest and talent as well as informed citizens of the world in which we live.


This will be achieved through teaching the National Curriculum objectives and knowledge which have been linked to EMBARK’s six global themes. This will also be achieved through developing the school’s core values alongside the core beliefs of the EMBARK Academy Trust.



Equalities - accessing the curriculum

We believe that every child has the right to achieve their full potential through inclusion. We welcome our responsibilities under the Equality Act. Please see our Equality Policy and Equality Objectives and also our information on SEND/Inclusion to see how we involve all children in our curriculum.


We believe that positive actions ensure everyone has an equal chance to achieve, participate and fulfil their roles in school and the wider community. Equality for all helps us to develop a sense of identity, social justice and to be successful as individuals, as a school and as a community. We believe 'all different... all equal.'


We understand equality to mean treating everyone fairly and with dignity and by valuing their individual characteristics such as their age, disability, gender identity, race, sex, religion, belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic circumstances or any other visible or non-visible difference. We aim to remove any barriers that stand in the way of achieving equal outcomes.  Our Equality and Accessibility plans are reviewed regularly.


Please read our curriculum statement below:

Please see our whole school overviews below: 

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.


If you want to find out more about the curriculum we are following, please contact a member of staff from the relevant team, below.

The teams who are leading each curriculum area:




Governor: Carolyn Wood, Jane Bowley


Mrs Rhodes - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Snow - Year 1/2

Mrs Marshall - Year 5/6




Governor: Brian McBean, Donna Walters,

Carolyn Wood 

Mrs Knowles - Year 3/4

Mrs Prince - Year 6



Governor: Johnny Parry, Carolyn Wood


Mrs Clarke - Year 1/2

Mr Wylie - Year 5


Modern Foreign Languages


Governor: Joe Harvey

English Team



Governor: Joe Harvey

Miss Lockley - Year 1

Mrs Painter - TLA Year 3/4



Governor: Jane Bowley

Mrs Prince - Year 6

Curriculum Lead

Miss Boustead - Reception (Geography)

Miss Pilgrim - Year 3/4 (History)



Governor: Brian McBean

Mrs Payler - Reception



Governor: Brian McBean

Mrs Rhodes - Deputy Headteacher 


Special Educational Needs




Governor: Jane Bowley

Mrs Edgeley - SENCo

Mrs Marshall - Year 5/6





Performing Arts



Governor: Jane Bowley, Miss Pilgrim

Miss Gregg - Nursery

Miss Topham - Year 5/6




Governor: Brian McBean, Johnny Parry


Miss Beard - Year 2

Mrs Wood - TLA Year 6


(including provision for 2 year olds)


Governor: Donna Walters, Carolyn Wood

Miss Gregg -  Nursery




Learning Environment


Governor: Carolyn Wood

Miss Gregg - Nursery



Health and Safety



Governor: Deborah Walker

Mrs Pilling - Headteacher

Mrs Rhodes- Deputy Headteacher



