Our History Learning
Take a look at some of our history learning!
Howitt Day 2024
We had lots of fun celebrating Howitt Day throughout school. We enjoyed listening to Mrs Babicki talk about the Howitts in our celebration assembly and taking part in lots of different activities.
In year 1 and 2, children enjoyed taking a tour of the school to find evidence of the Howitts.
In year 3 and 4, children found where William lived in Heanor and created a route through Heanor to where his house was.
In year 5 and 6, children learnt more about the Howitt's quaker roots and how this links to our global theme,'social justice'.
Ancient Greece
The year 3 and 4 children really enjoyed learning about the Ancient Greek period and were shocked to find out the the Olympic Games originate from this time. They also discovered that democracy was invented in Athens!
Howitt Day 2023
We had lots of fun celebrating Howitt Day again! This year, we became historians and used Howitt Day to consider how historians find out about the past. We then became historians ourselves and enjoyed completing activities linked to our current history topics.
Christmas in the past
The children in EYFS enjoyed learning about Christmas in the past as well as Christmas traditions.
Year 5 and 6 have learnt lots about WWII, including learning about the importance of Anderson shelters. With the help of Mr Field, the children transformed an area of school into their own Anderson shelter which also includes some of their fantastic work. Make sure you go and have a look!
Remembrance and William Gregg
Year 1 and 2 learn all about William Gregg, why he is remembered in Heanor, WWI and the importance of Remembrance Day.
Ancient Civilizations
Year 3/4 have enjoyed learning all about ancient civilizations. They were then inspired to create their own civilizations and incorporate their art and DT and computing skills. Click here to see their Stop Motion Animations of their very own civilizations.
The Anglo-Saxons
Year 3/4 thoroughly enjoyed their topic about the Anglo-Saxons. They learned that the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain after the Romans left. The children enjoyed learning about how Britain changed when the Anglo-Saxons were here and compared this to what Britain was like during the Roman times. The children learned lots!
Howitt Day 2022
We enjoyed celebrating our school's history on Friday 18th February! We learned lots about our school, local area and William and Mary Howitt!
What makes a person a significant individual?
In Year 1 and 2, the children have been learning about three significant individuals: Edith Cavell, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. They have been answering the key question ‘What makes a person a significant individual?’ and have been learning about why these three people are significant in the history of healthcare. When learning about the famous nurse Florence Nightingale, the children found out about the changes she made to hospitals, many of which are still relevant today! Finally, the children compared all of these figures, discussing their similarities and differences and consolidating their understanding of what makes all of these individuals significant.
Remembrance Day:
EYFS showed their respect to all of the soldiers who, over the years, have helped to keep us all safe. They took part in different activities to help support them to think and reflect on why Remembrance Day is a special and significant day.