Our Governors
Governor Details 2024-2025
At Howitt Primary Community School, we have a team of governors that work as volunteers to support the school. Their role is to develop a vision and strategy for the school; oversee financial performance and make sure that money is well spent; hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and to engage with young people, staff, parents and the wider school community to understand their views.
Governors are expected to attend 6 Local Governing Team (LGT) meetings each year for approximately 2 hours per meeting. During these meetings governors look at a wide range of information to monitor how well the school is performing. Detailed reports including safeguarding, data and finance are discussed at these meetings, as well as a more general headteachers report.
Governor Support
To support the work that goes on, governors are encouraged to participate in school visits twice a year for approximately an hour. Governors observe what is happening in school, look at the school environment and talk to the young people about their school.
New Governors
If an individual is interested in being a member of our LGT they would meet with the chair and headteacher and discuss what they could bring to the team. Following the recruitment process they would then be invited to attend the LGT meeting where they would be appointed. Governors are appointed for a 4-year term of office. Once appointed governors receive an induction and training for the role.
Our Local Governing Team
We are proud to have a committed team that is made up of individuals with a range of backgrounds and experience.
For more information, please contact the Governance Professional, Olivia Anthony at o.anthony@embarkfed.org.uk
Please visit Embark Federation to see the scheme of delegation. Please see Embark Federation's pecuniary business interest.
Role | Name | Appointed by/ Elected by | Term of office | Business interests | Relationships with other governors/ staff | Responsibility |
Co-Chair of Governors/ (Co-opted) | Carolyn Wood | Appointed by GB/Board | 05/12/22-04/12/26 | None | N/A | English (Drama), Mathematics, Science, Head Teacher Performance Management, EYFS, Learning Environment, Staff Appointments, Child Protection, Safeguarding, Anti-Bullying, School Council, Equality, Local School Improvement Chair. |
Co-Chair of Governors/ (Co-opted)
| Jane Bowley | Appointed by GB/Board | 05/12/22-04/12/26 | None | NA | English (Drama), Humanities, ECO, Performing Arts (Art, DT, Music,), Head Teacher Performance Management, Disadvantaged, SEND, Interventions, Staff Appointments, Child Protection, Safeguarding, Anti-Bullying, School Council, Equality, Local School Improvement Chair. |
Vice-chair of Governors/ (Parent) | Joe Harvey | Elected by parents | 05/12/22-04/12/26
| None | N/A | Modern Foreign Languages (French), Computing, Website Governor, Staff Appointments, Single Central Record, Business Links, Community Cohesion, Finance, Local Finance Chair. |
Headteacher | Lynn Pilling | Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher | 01/01/16 - | None | N/A | Staff Appointments. |
Staff Governor (Teaching) | Beth Pilgrim | Elected by school staff | 01/01/24- 31/12/27 | None | N/A | Humanities, ECO, Performing Arts (Art, DT, Music,), Staff Appointments. |
Staff Governor (Non-teaching) |
Parent Governor | Donna Walters | Elected by parents | 05/12/22-04/12/26 | None | N/A | Mathematics, Head Teacher Performance Management, EYFS, Learning Environment, Staff Appointments, Wrap Around Care, Mental Health and Wellbeing. |
Co-opted Governor | Brian McBean | Appointed by GB/Board | 05/12/22-04/12/26 | B – Employed at Tibshelf Community School | N/A | Mathematics, RE, PSHE / Citizenship, PE/Dance, Staff Appointments. |
Co-opted Governor |
Associate Governor (Deputy Head) | Clare Rhodes | Appointed by GB/Board | 05/12/22 - 04/12/26 | None | N/A | Staff Appointments |
Associate Governor | Deborah Walker (School Business Manager) | Appointed by GB/Board | 01/09/23-31/08/27 | None | N/A | Looked After Children, Health and Safety, Risk Assessments, Security/ Premises, Educational Visits, Staff Appointments, Attendance. |
Governor vacancies
Staff governor (Non-teaching), Co-opted governor
Historic (Governors stepped down in the last 12 months)
Johnny Parry, Local Govenor, 04/12/23-18/12/24
Annual Statements / Strategic Plans
Minutes of the full Board of Governors and committee meetings are public documents. If you would like to see any of the minutes, please ask at the school office.
Dates of future board and committee meetings are available on our school calendar.
How you can contact the governing board
We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents and carers.
Any enquiries for the Governing Board should be addressed to:
Mrs Carolyn Wood, Co-Chair of Governors or Mrs Jane Bowley, Co-Chair of Governors, Howitt Primary Community School, Holmes Street, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7FS.