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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


Where in the world do we live?

This half term we would have had lots of exciting learning taking place in school about the place that we live, the country that we live in and we would have been finding out about a very significant person: The Queen! 


We will be setting some activities each week for you to complete at home thinking about our local area and the country we live in.



Work from previous half term:

This term, we were due to start our exciting topic about plants! We were planning on growing lots of different plants, including strawberries, tomatoes and sunflowers, to go in our new Y1 Outdoor Area. 

Whilst your at home, we would love for you to be finding out about plants still.  We have added some activities and ideas below to get you started:



Week 5:

This week we would like you to design and make your own shoe box garden!

It would be lovely if you could draw your design of your garden before you start making it. This will help you to think of the different materials you might need to use.

In your garden, you could include:

  • Different minibeasts
  • Different plants and tress
  • A pond
  • Some grass
  • A winding path


Below are some different ideas to get you started!

Week 4:


This week we would like you to carry on your super home learning by finding out about the different animals who you might find living amongst the plants: Minibeasts!

Week 3:

To continue your fabulous home learning about plants, this week  we would like you to investigate and research where our food comes from.



Week 2:

To continue your learning based around our plant topic, we recommend you explore the online learning tool Espresso! This is a great resource for online learning and has lots of videos and games to help you. We have included the links below.


The login for Espresso was placed in your child's reading record before we finished school.  If you need a helpful  reminder of the login code, please feel free to contact the school office. 

Week 2:

To help with your learning about plants try completing some of the activities below.


  • Use your observational skills to draw 3 plants in your garden and label the main parts of each of them, can you explain why each part is important for the plant to survive?
  • Look at flower pictures completed by famous artists e.g. Van Gogh and Georgia O'Keefe and try to create a picture in that style.
  • Read and order the life cycle of a plant.

  • If you are out on your daily exercise try to draw/write down the names of the different plants that you see around you, or complete the following sheet

Week 1:

BBC Bitesize is a great place to start your learning about plants. You can find out what a plant needs to grow, the different type of plants you could find outside and the different parts of a plant:
