Welcome to the PTA section.
The Howitt Primary PTA aims to raise funds to enhance our children’s education, as well as encouraging an inclusive and enjoyable social experience for everyone associated with our school.
Howitt PTA are working hard to raise funds to support the children this year. Events held so far have included bags to school collection as well as the Monster Bash disco, Christmas disco and the Christmas chocolate stall at Heanor Light Switch On, which made an amazing £759.00 profit for the school this year. Thank you for all your chocolate donations.
Howitt PTA were also successful in a lottery grant that bought 30 i-pads for the school.
Regular newsletters are issued to keep everyone informed of future events and where the money raised is being spent. Keep a look out for next meeting dates as new members and new ideas are always welcome. Pop into the school office if you are interested in helping out.
Christmas Fair and chocolate tombola
A big thank you to all your support for our Christmas fair and chocolate tombola stall. They were both successful events, the christmas fair made £1,693 and the chocolate tombola £412.
The PTA will be continuing to develop the current outdoor area using the money raised from these events.
Thank you for all your blue bags we raised £64 towards school.
Bingo star prize winners.
Thank you to all the children and parents who attended our bingo and chips night. It was a great success and we raised £374.00 for school. Look how much our thermometer is rising!
Wow! Look at our amazing trim track. If you haven’t see it yet please come and have a look on the Infant playground.
Our next project is to help develop the outdoor area. Keep a look out for photos to see what is happening.
Our current outdoor area.
Our polytunnel has arrived and I am sure you all agree it looks really good and we can't wait for the children to start using it.
Next Meeting:
AGM meeting in school 27th November at 5pm
Upcoming Events:
Halloween Disco: Thursday 18th October Infants 5:00-6:00 pm and Juniors 6:15-7:30pm
Chocolate Tombola at Heanor Lights Switch on Monday 3rd December
Valentine Disco: Thursday 7th February
Easter Bingo: Friday 5th April
Summer Disco: Thursday 4th July