Developing a Love of Reading
Year 6 bookmarks | At Howitt Primary Community School we strongly believe that reading is a gateway to learning and knowledge. That is why we strive to provide a rounded approach to teaching reading through phonics sessions, fluency lessons, VIPERS strategies, comprehension skills and of course story time!
It is our aim to cultivate a desire to read and promote all literature so that pupils become readers for life.
Progression in Reading
Tony Bradman

World Book Day 2024
On World Book Day itself, we were very lucky to see an amazing production of 'The Wizard of Oz' performed for us in school. This really brought the book to life and was thoroughly enjoyed by all children from year one to year six.

Check out our decorated door frames!

'The Big Read' Autumn Term 2023
The whole school 'BIG READ' was such a success last year that we decided to run it again. Our KS2 pupils really enjoyed working with our EYFS and KS1 pupils to support them with their reading. They carefully selected the books by thinking about what younger children like to read. They then rehearsed reading their chosen book with fluency and expression, and planned the questions they wanted to ask about the text. Some of our pupils read to groups and some read one-to-one. It was incredible to see both our older and younger children interacting with the same book.
The Big Read PowerPoint
The Hobbit 2023
Can you guess who we are?
Berlie Doherty

Year 5 and 6 were really lucky to meet the famous author Berlie Doherty via a zoom meeting. She is a local author from Derbyshire Peak District, who has written over 60 books in all kinds of genres for all ages.
Her best-selling novel Street Child, is the book we are currently reading linked to our topic on Victorians. It was very exciting to ask her questions about this book and her career as an author.
We even got a Tweet.
Developing a love of reading is vital. We are continuing to develop our library further so that it is well stocked with both fiction and non- fiction texts. All classes are provided with weekly time to explore the library.
Our reading books are levelled to match the progression in phonics. The enables us to challenge them at an appropriate level and to ensure accelerated learning. We provide pupils with a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.
It is our aim for every child to be reading at age related expectations by the end of the year. However, some children may need extra support with their reading in order to achieve this.
Below are some of the reading interventions that we use:
- Toe by Toe
- Buddy reading
- Additional 1:1 or group reading with either the class teacher or a teaching and learning assistant
- Words First
- Additional phonics lessons
Reading at home
Pupils are given books to take home and read with their parents or other adults. We recommend reading with your child at least 3 times a week for approximately 10 to 15 minutes each time. We need you to help your child by listening to them reading and asking questions about what they have read. Asking them questions about what they have read will help to check they have understood the text. To help your child become a fluent reader, please ask them to repeat sentences until they are being read fluently. Remember, this doesn’t always have to be their school reading book, it could be a book that they own from home. It is really important that you sign the reading journal daily with comments on their reading. We would also like to know if the book is too challenging, too easy or your child is simply not enjoying the book. We appreciate your continued support in helping the children to make progress with their reading.
Reading Reward Scheme
To help promote enjoyment for reading, we have set up a reading reward scheme. Whenever a child reads to an adult, please record it in their reading record as they gain rewards for reading at home. They receive a reward after 10, 30, 60 and 100 reads at home. We wonder who will be the first child to read 100 times at home?
Questions to use when reading with your child at home
Please click on the links below for examples of questions you could ask your child when reading with them. While reading with your child, try to choose one questions from each section.
V - Vocabulary and Visualise
I - Infer
P - Predict
E - Explain
R - Retrieve
S - Sequence and Summarise
You could ask more than one type of questions per page. This will check that your child really understands what they are reading and could lead you into further conversations about the book.
Both teachers and teaching assistants will use similar questions when reading 1:1, in a small group or during shared reading lessons.
If you are worried about your child’s reading, please either leave a note in their reading record or ring school to arrange for your child’s teacher to ring you back.