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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Summer 2

Summer 2

This half term our topic is Wonderful World’.

The children will take part in activities and experiences to enhance their learning about the world around them. The children will be able to talk about and make comments about their environment in their nursery setting and local community. Children will get a sense of their wider world including different places relating to the weather, differing environments and animals that live there. Children to gain new vocabulary based on the wider world using play activities/resources, stories, rhymes, videos and photos. The children will also gain an understanding of how we can travel to these different places, talking about which places are far away and which places are nearer. The children will be exploring globes and maps, locating the different places they know and where the animals are from. The children will then be given the opportunity to take their learning in different directions focusing on the world, this may include transport, holidays, places they have been or might like to visit.
