ECO Group
Litter Picking!
Our school Eco - Warriors have been out making a difference in our local community!
They collected lots of rubbish which had been left lying around and if left the rubbish could have become dangerous for our local wildlife population.
World Bee Day 2023
The children in Reception have had a busy week learning all about bees, including why bees are so important! The children were really sad to learn that many bees are becoming endangered and they thought of some ways that we can all help the bees.
The children decided to make their own seed bombs to plant more wildflowers for the bees. We invited parents into our classrooms to help us to make our own seed bombs and to take part in lots of eco inspired crafts!
Eco Craft Session for World Bee Day Feedback:
School Improvements
The eco team at Howitt have been thinking about what we do well and what we can do next to improve our school.
Recycling at Howitt!
The year 3 and 4 children were inspired by a topic on pollution which has resulted in a new bin appearing in the canteen at lunchtime so the children can recycle crisp packets. The eco team have taken the crisp packets to Tesco to be recycled.
World Oceans Day 2022
The theme for World Oceans Day this year was ‘Revitalisation: Collective action for the Ocean.’
Did you know that nearly ¾ of our planet’s surface is covered by water? The oceans are a very important part of our world!
Take a look at some of our fantastic posters below!
Gardening Club
Year 3 and 4 have been enjoying attending the after school gardening club with Mrs McBean! The children have been improving our school areas and have enjoyed a variety of activities.
We have been getting into the Christmas spirit and have made these fantastic decorations!
We enjoyed learning about COP26 in school in November. We learned about climate change and thought carefully about what we could do to help to make a change. We all designed a
'leaf' to become part of our COP26 trees in school and made a pledge by writing something we could do on our leaf to make a change.

World Wildlife Day
On Wednesday 3rd March, we celebrated 'World Wildlife Day' both in school and at home. The theme this year was 'Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet.'
In KS1, year 1 made animal hats and year 2 researched their favourite animal and made posters.
In KS2, year 3 and 4 researched and made a list of animals using the letters A-Z. They then made a fact file about an animal, plant or insect that would be found in the forest. In Year 5, the children learned about the rainforest and participated in a debate about deforestation.
Please have a look at the photos from our learning that day!
Recycle Week 2020
From the 21st - 27th September, we celebrated 'Recycle Week' in school. The theme this year was 'Thanking the nation: Together- We Recycle'.
As part of our learning, we explored the importance of recycling and how we can all do our bit to reduce the amount of rubbish that we create.
In 3/4E, they learnt about what can and cannot be recycled at home. They also learnt about landfill sites and how we can reduce the amount of waste that gets put in them.
In 1/2C, they learnt about what can and cannot be recycled in our school bins.
We enjoyed our learning in school!

ECO Warriors
We are very pleased to say that we have relaunched our ECO warrior group at Howitt. Each class now has an ECO warrior and the team have already been busy!
As a school, we are very fortunate to have a lot of outdoor space so our ECO team have already been working on making our school grounds a great place to be. The ECO warriors meet with Mrs McBean every Tuesday lunchtime, and have been planting seeds around the grounds to make the school a bright and welcoming place. From Reception to Year 6, all of the ECO warriors are enjoying their Tuesday lunchtimes and are excited to continue to improve our school grounds.
Eco Group
Recycle Shop
The Nursery staff have also been very busy with their ‘Recycle Shop’. The fantastic team have already held their first successful shop which sells clothes, toys and household goods. Look out for the letter for the next Recycle Shop date to make sure you don’t miss out on grabbing a bargain!
New dates:
- Thursday 12th March 3:30pm onwards.
- Tuesday 31st March 3:30pm onwards.
Stalls will be in the small hall.
Sale items will include:
- Baby clothes
- Children's clothes
- Adult clothes
- School uniform
- Toys
- Gifts
- Homeware
- Shoes
- Accessories
- Baby products
Whole School
As we begin Spring term 2, EYFS and Year 1 will be beginning their new Topics where they will learn about our world and recycling. We look forward to seeing pictures from their fantastic learning!
As a school, we are always striving to become a more ECO friendly environment. We are always working on doing our bit for the planet and looking after the world that we live in.
Previous news
We are pleased to say that we have relaunched our school ECO group. The team of eager ECO warriors are represented by two children from each class. As a school we already have our Bronze award for ECO challenges and now we are working towards our Silver award. The group also led a switch off week before Christmas and are now keen to continue to monitor the swiching off of lights, computers and other electrical equipment not in use.
Year 2 children planting peas and dahlias on 31st March. Fingers crossed we’ll see some shoots appearing soon!

Year 1’s enjoyed an afternoon of planting Gladioli and Sweet Peas in Hannah’s Garden on Friday 18th March.

Once again many cards have been recycled a total of 18,000 for the school. The winners in the Infants were 1B with a total of 1,530 cards and the winners in the Juniors were 6L with a total of 3,600 cards.
Thank you to all those that have helped to plant 18 trees!!
Eco-Team News
As a school, we are very fortunate to have such a lot of outdoor space, so our aim this year is to make our school grounds a great place to be so that we can use our grounds to support and inspire great learning. We intend to ensure that all classes begin to regularly use our grounds for their lessons across the curriculum, so let the fun begin!
We would like to say a huge ‘Thank you!’ to those who, in true Howitt style, were not a bit put off by the awful weather on Saturday 6th February. We made a really good start on Hannah’s Garden: collecting litter, weeding, re-weaving the willow dome and cutting and pruning hedges and trees, not to mention rescuing a whole host of frogs!! Can you match the before and after photos?

There is still work to be done so we are grateful for any offers of help whenever you can spare the time. One of our next tasks is to tackle the pond area so any offers of help and/or expertise will be much appreciated.
Howitt Eco-Team