School Logo

Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

School Uniform

Our school uniform


Our uniform supplier - Loopwear - is a local company based in Ilkeston and all of the garments from the supplier have our school logo on.


You can find details of how to order, sizes and delivery information (free delivery to home with orders over £30 or free monthly delivery to school regardless of amount spent) on their website -


Our uniform (required) is:

Dark blue sweatshirt or cardigan

Light blue polo shirt

Black/grey trousers/skirt

Children should wear flat-soled, black school shoes (not trainers). 


Children can wear uniform without the school logo that can be bought new from supermarkets or second hand from local charity shops. We also have a stock of clean, good quality, preloved school uniform items which you can pick up free of charge from the school office. Please contact the school if you have any problems with uniform.

The cost of the items from Loopwear are:


Cardigan      £10:50          Fleece jacket      £13:00

Polo shirt     £6:30            Sweatshirt            £9:50



Our school PE kit    


Regular PE is  an important part of the curriculum that we provide for children and we expect our children to wear a PE kit (required), consisting of:


White T-shirt

Dark blue/black shorts



These items can be plain (widely available from shops, supermarkets or second hand from local charity shops) or with a school logo available from our supplier, Loopwear.


If PE kit is kept in school, it is helpful if these can be kept in a named draw-string bag.

For outdoor sporting activities, especially during the colder weather, it is useful for children to wear some warm clothing such as a tracksuit (plain black or navy).


Please label all items of clothing clearly with your child's name.
