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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


Humanities is an area of the curriculum that includes learning in History and Geography.


At Howitt Primary, we plan cross-curricular topics to enthuse and engage our children and enable them to develop key skills in these subjects. Our Topics range from: Our World, Remember Me, The Stone Age, The Rainforest, Natural Disasters, American Adventure and World War ll. Through our topics, we develop many skills, gain lots of knowledge and learn about our world.

History and Geography lessons also provide great opportunities for children to apply important reading skills - such as using inference or making a prediction -  and inspires some super writing, too!


Lots of our History and Geography learning is also reflected in our Art work too. Look out for it in our books!



Humanities in the National Curriculum


Follow these links to learn more about History and Geography in Key Stages 1 and 2.





