Nurture Support
The Listening Tree Nurture Group
Mrs McBean runs our nurture groups. She has completed her Level Three Nurture training, which means she is able to deliver highly structured Nurture groups.
The nurture session follows a structured format of:
- Circle Time: (taking turns to talk)
- Work and Make: (to start and finish a craft activity)
- 1st Play: (to play with a toy on their own to learn independent skills)
- 2nd Play: (to play with a game/toy in a group to learn social sharing skills)
- Snack Time: (to use table manners and to speak appropriately at meal times)
Our sessions take place in The Listening Tree room, once a week for between 8 and 10 weeks.
Children are assessed using a Boxall Profile, which is completed by the class teacher, before and after the intervention. Once completed the Boxall Profile will show areas to further develop within the nurture group.
Nurture groups have shown to help develop and improve well-being, improve behaviour, improve achievement within the classroom and help develop effective bonds between teachers and children.