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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Parent/Carer survey results




Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you to all the parents who took the time to complete our parent questionnaire at the end of the summer term. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we’ve carefully reviewed the results to help us continue supporting all of our schools across the trust.

For those who requested a conversation with their school, if you haven’t been contacted yet, your school will be in touch this term. Schools will also share (if they haven’t already the key findings of the questionnaire with parents, celebrating successes, and outlining how they will use this feedback to further improve relationships with parents.

Key Insights from the Survey:

  • The majority of parents feel that our schools are happy, safe, and nurturing environments where children are well cared for.
  • We would love to hear from even more parents. While the response rate was above the normal response rate, we aim to engage with as many parents as possible.
  • There is a growing recognition of the benefits of being part of the Embark Federation, with more parents appreciating the unique opportunities this brings to their children.

How We Will Use the Feedback:

  • We will work closely with our schools celebrating all their good work and ensuring they continue to engage positively with parents and explore how relationships can be further strengthened.
  • We will use your feedback to continually develop our trust’s offer, enriching the learning experience for all children.
  • We will build on our shared commitment to inclusion - we are determined to make sure that every child in the Embark Family thrives and has a love for learning and life.


Earlier this year, all schools in our trust worked together to launch our collective commitment to inclusion. This remains a priority, and we will continue to embed and strengthen this across the trust this year and beyond.

Thank you again for your ongoing support. We look forward to working together to ensure the very best for our children and families.

Kind Regards

Anna Upton

Deputy Trust Leader







Dear Parents/Carers

Many thanks for completing our Parent Survey. We have taken time to analyse the results carefully and build in your views when planning our new School Improvement Plan and the next steps for our school.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and I will share some of the comments below. There were some useful suggestions, on how we could improve and I would like to share these with you too:


  • 100% agree or strongly agree that their child is happy at this school.
  • 100% agree or strongly agree that their child feels safe at this school.
  • 100% agree or strongly agree that their child works to the best of his/her ability and does well at this school.
  • 100% agree or strongly agree that their child is well looked after at this school.
  • 100% agree or strongly agree that their child is taught well at this school.
  • 99.1% agree or strongly agree that the school makes them aware of what their child will learn (e.g. school website, year group newsletters, emails, text messages and conversations with staff).
  • 97.4% agree, strongly agree, agree or didn’t know that the school makes sure its pupils are well behaved.

(Of the remaining responses, 2.6 % disagree).

  • 95.7% of the responses stated that the school deals effectively with bullying or that their child had not been bullied. (Of the remaining responses, 4.3% disagree).
  • 99.1% strongly agree or selected they don’t know that the school is well led and managed. (Of the remaining responses, 0.8% strongly disagree).
  •  97.4% of the responses stated that they agree or strongly agree that the school responds well to any concerns raised or they have never raised a concern. (Of the remaining responses, 2.6% disagree).
  • 96.6% agree, strongly agree or didn’t know that they receive valuable information from the school about their child’s progress (e.g. informal phone calls, parent consultations and formal reports). (Of the remaining responses, 3.4% disagree).
  •  97.4% agree or strongly agree that they would recommend this school to another parent. (Of the remaining responses, 0.8% disagree and 1.7% did not know).

Summary of main strengths

  • Excellent, approachable and dedicated staff willing to help.
  • The support the children receive if they have/ are going through a difficult time.
  • Children are made to feel valued and praised for their work.
  • Children feel safe at school.
  • An inclusive school with a strong community spirit.
  • The school is well led and managed.
  • Understanding of children’s needs.
  • Safe, respectful and happy learning environment.
  • Good communication between school and home e.g. e-mails, website and text messages.

Sample comments included:

  • Teachers are amazing
  • The school is very good at rewarding hard work and good behaviour
  • The teachers all support and encourage all of the children to have strong aspirations
  • Lots of opportunities for exciting new things and guests are invited into school
  • Children are encouraged, valued and made to feel part of the Howitt community
  • Children lead by example and manners are used throughout
  • All staff are approachable and friendly
  • Parents are involved
  • Family liaison is great for support
  • Children are well taught and looked after
  • The needs of the children are always put first
  • Children are led by good role models
  • The teachers have a great understanding of each child
  • Very understanding about child care
  • My son has only been at the school for a short time and he has absolutely loved it
  • Efficient and understanding SENDCO
  • Help has been put in place for additional needs
  • Forest schools is great
  • Secure and organised
  • Good relationships with the pupils and parents
  • Variety of topics taught
  • Very nurturing nursery and reception staff
  • There are lots of activity clubs that the children can join and extend their skills
  • Regular newsletters, text messages and reminders
  • A positive, child friendly school that prioritises the learning and happiness of the pupils.


Main Areas to Develop

School Response

More information needed about how the school deals effectively with bullying.

95.7% stated the school has dealt effectively with bullying or their child hadn’t been bullied. 5 survey responses indicated that they thought the school didn’t deal effectively with bullying.

We take parents’ comments very seriously and are very happy to discuss any concerns raised. The survey allowed for parents/ carers to comment on key strengths of the school; it was highlighted through numerous comments that a key strength of Howitt Primary Community School was that staff were approachable and were willing to give time to discuss concerns raised.  

We do encourage parents to contact the school to meet with myself or other members of staff if they feel their child is being bullied. As a school, we ensure that the pupils fully understand what bullying means and involves and who to talk to if they have worries. This is reinforced through weekly lessons, our school ‘Child on Child Abuse Policy’, school and class assemblies, our display boards and the introduction of peer buddies and mentors on the playground. Our PSHE curriculum has a focus on relationships and teaches our pupils about kind/unkind words and the different feelings and emotions linked to these.

We follow many procedures to ensure that our children feel safe and happy such as friendship/respect week and online safety is part of weekly taught sessions. In June the NSPCC delivered a virtual workshop called “speak out, stay safe”, for all pupils during our school assembly. We will continue to promote digital leaders in school and they have previously created a film that promotes respect online.

More information needed as to how the school ensures that its pupils are well behaved.

97.3% strongly agree, agree or didn’t know if the school ensures that its pupils are well behaved. 3 responses disagreed with this statement.

We are a supportive and inclusive school and have a nurturing ethos. We are a diverse community and we continue to support all children in their everyday school life. We understand it can be difficult for some children for many reasons. We use nurture support, a counselling service, family liaison, positive play and a positive people group to give children opportunities to share worries and to give them strategies to enjoy positive experiences. All staff follow a positive behaviour policy, that can be found on our school website We work closely with parents to ensure that their children are well supported at school and at home and are positively engaged in their learning. Lunchtime clubs are available to give pupils a chance to come away from a busy playground. Play leaders, sport coaches and sports leaders continue to work with children on the playground to develop social skills and improve the lunchtime experience.

To further develop the understanding of addressing concerns that are raised.

97.4% strongly agree or agree that there hadn’t been any concerns to raise and the school responds well. 3 responses disagree and suggest this is an area for development.  

The school is very keen to address any concerns that you may have, however small. We are always available to listen and decide on next steps to quickly resolve any concerns or worries. It is always the happiness and safety of your children that is at the heart of everything that we do.

More information needed about their child’s progress

96.6% agree or strongly agree that they receive valuable information from the school about their child’s progress (e.g. informal phone calls, parent consultations and formal reports). Of the remaining responses, 3.4% disagree. Whilst this has improved from our last survey, we would still like to improve this further. Therefore, as well as our parents’ evening and school report we are going to continue to provide an open book evening where you can view your children’s books alongside them. We will now invite you into school more often e.g. stay and learn phonic sessions, information events, homework project evenings, concerts and shows. Teachers will continue to communicate with you via the children’s home/school diary and of course over the telephone. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher who will always be glad to help. The website continues to be a good place for you to keep up to date with what your child is learning in school, as we know that they don’t always tell you!



Sample of other suggestions

  • Regular Facebook updates

We understand that it is important to celebrate the successes of our children. We will be striving to make more timely uploads to Facebook and the school website so that parents/carers can share more of their child’s learning with them at home.

  • A second- hand uniform facility

This is something that we are happy to arrange. We understand that school uniform can be expensive when purchased with the school logo on so to keep costs more affordable uniform can be purchased from local supermarkets.

  • An opportunity to ‘Meet the new teacher’ before the end of the summer term.

This has been added to our diary dates for July 2023.

  • Consistency of where class newsletters are posted.

We have arranged for all newsletters to be emailed to you at the beginning of each half term.

Once again, thank you for your support and suggestions. I am sure that you will agree that it is important that we continue to work together to support you and your child’s happiness, progress and learning. I was pleased to read so many positive comments regarding the community ethos of the school and praise for our dedicated staff within school. We are very proud of the culture and ethos of Howitt Primary Community school and we are privileged to have such hard-working, caring and committed staff. It was also great to read so many positive comments about how happy the children are to come to school. In this letter, I have addressed all of the main concerns raised in the Parent Questionnaire. If you feel that your concern has not been addressed or if we can help with any other concerns or worries, then please do contact the school office to discuss this further. Thank you, once again, for your valuable feedback and continued support.



Yours sincerely




Mrs Lynn Pilling







Dear Parents/Carers

Firstly, we would like to thank you very much for such a fantastic response to our survey sent out in July. There has been an increase in the number of responses this year, which gives us a wider range of views.

As Headteacher, it has helped me to establish quickly the strengths of the school and areas to develop. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and I will share some of the comments below. However, in the comments section there were some useful suggestions with how we could improve and I would like to share these with you too:


  • 99.4% agree or strongly agree that their child is happy at this school.
  • 98% agree or strongly agree that their child feels safe at this school.
  • 99.4% agree or strongly agree that their child works to the best of his/her ability and does well at this school.
  • 97.5% agree or strongly agree that their child is well looked after at this school.
  • 99.4% agree or strongly agree that their child is taught well at this school.
  • 99.4% agree or strongly agree that the school makes them aware of what their child will learn (e.g. school website, year group newsletters, emails, text messages and conversations with staff)
  • 92% strongly agreed, agreed or didn’t know that the school makes sure its pupils are well behaved. (Of the remaining responses, 8% disagree).
  • 94.4% of the responses stated that the school deals effectively with bullying or that their child had not been bullied. (Of the remaining responses 5.6% disagree or strongly disagree).
  • 98.8% agree, strongly agree or selected they don’t know that the school is well led and managed. (Of the remaining responses 1.2% disagree).
  • 94.4% of the responses stated that they agree or strongly agree that the school responds well to any concerns raised. (Of the remaining responses 5.6% disagree).
  • 95% agree or strongly agree that they receive valuable information from the school about their child’s progress (e.g. informal phone calls, parent consultations, formal reports and online learning).
  • 97.5% agree or strongly agree that they would recommend this school to another parent.

    Summary of main strengths

  • Excellent, approachable and dedicated staff willing to help.
  • The support the children receive if they have/ are going through a difficult time.
  • Children are made to feel valued.
  • Children feel safe at school.
  • An inclusive school with a strong community spirit.
  • The school is well led and managed.
  • Understanding of children’s needs.
  • Safe, respectful and happy learning environment.
  • Good communication between school and home e.g. e-mails, website and text messages.

    Sample comments included:

  • My child is always happy
  • Can’t praise the school enough for their continued support to us as a family
  • All teachers and staff have gone above and beyond to make my children feel safe, secure and welcome.
  • My child’s learning has come along so much even though there has been a lockdown
  • Our child loves coming to school and always has a smile on her face in a morning
  • Despite the year we have had, she has progressed really well and I am impressed with her learning
  • Good security
  • My child has enjoyed all the different topics
  • My child has come on leaps and bounds since moving to this school in 2017
  • Reading is always encouraged at school and at home, children get good rewards
  • Thank you to all staff for all their hard work and dedication.
  • The nurture is fantastic
  • My child loves to show us how much she has read and wants to read more at home
  • Extra activities offered (eg. yoga bugs, forest schools, music lessons and the reading club).
  • I really like the reading journal, I feel regularly updated
  • It is a brilliant community and my children feel valued as pupils and I do as a parent
  • The way school was managed and continues to be managed during hard times is second to none
  • The headteacher is familiar with all children
  • Fantastic teachers
  • Always up to date letting parents know important info/ dates eg through text message
  • My child is happy and engaged.
  • Dealt well with COVID-19 restrictions
  • Great, ever improving learning environment
  • They listen, they help, they understand.

    Main Areas to Develop

    School Response

    More information needed about how the school deals effectively with bullying.

    94.4% stated the school has dealt effectively with bullying or their child hadn’t been bullied. 9 survey responses indicated that they thought the school didn’t deal effectively with bullying.

    We take parents’ comments very seriously and are very happy to discuss any concerns raised. The survey allowed for parents/ carers to comment on key strengths of the school; it was highlighted through numerous comments that a key strength of Howitt Community Primary School was that staff were approachable and were willing to give time to discuss concerns raised.  

    We do encourage parents to contact the school to meet with myself or other members of staff if they feel their child is being bullied. As a school, we ensure that the pupils fully understand what bullying means and involves and who to talk to if they have worries. This is reinforced through weekly lessons, school and class assemblies, our display boards and the introduction of peer buddies and mentors on the playground. Our PSHE curriculum has a focus on relationships and teaches our pupils about kind/unkind words and the different feelings and emotions linked to these.

    We follow many procedures to ensure that our children feel safe and happy such as friendship/respect week. We are now aiming towards ‘360 safe’, an accredited online safety award. Online safety is part of weekly taught sessions. This year the NSPCC delivered a virtual workshop called “speak out, stay safe”, for all pupils as they were unable to attend school given the pandemic. We are going to reintroduce the digital leaders in school and they have previously created a film that promotes respect online.

    More information needed as to how the school ensures that its pupils are well behaved.

    92% strongly agreed, agreed or didn’t know if the school ensures that its pupils are well behaved. 13 responses disagreed with this statement.

    We are a supportive and inclusive school and have a nurturing ethos. We are a diverse community and we continue to support all children in their everyday school life. We understand it can be difficult for some children for many reasons. We use nurture support, a counselling service, family liaison, positive play and a positive people group, to give children opportunities to share worries and to give them strategies to enjoy positive experiences. All staff follow a behaviour policy, that can be found on our school website We work closely with parents to ensure that their children are well supported at school and at home and are positively engaged in their learning. Lunchtime clubs will resume to give pupils a chance to come away from a busy playground. A play leader and learning mentor continue to work with children on the playground to develop social skills and improve the lunchtime experience.


    To further develop the understanding of addressing concerns that are raised.

    94.4% strongly agreed or agreed that there hadn’t been any concerns to raise and the school responds well. 9 responses disagree and suggest this is an area for development.  

    The school is very keen to address any concerns that you may have, however small. We are always available to listen and decide on next steps to quickly resolve any concerns or worries. It is always the happiness and safety of your children that is at the heart of everything that we do.


    Sample of other suggestions

  • We are aware that issues around parking on Cottage Garden Lane are an ongoing concern for the safety of the children outside the school gates and the nearby residents. We have informed the police again and we continue to remind parents about the need to be respectful when parking.
  • We understand that it is important to celebrate the successes of our children and our celebration assemblies will be resuming again. You will be informed if your child has been given the star of the week.  
  • We are hopeful that more extracurricular clubs will be able to restart.
  • Our focus this year is on healthy life choices and drinking water. Our PSHE curriculum teaches life skills, which includes emergency first aid.
  • Discussions around an online booking/message/email system for evening owls and breakfast club will take place.


Once again, thank you for your support and suggestions. I am sure that you will agree that it is important that we continue to work together and that our partnership with you is vital. Thank you for all the positive comments and I will share them with all staff. They will be very pleased and proud that you hold them and the school in such high regard.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Lynn Pilling

Head teacher





