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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Spring 2

Let's Get Growing!

This half term our topic is all about growing.  We will be finding out how plants grow and what they need to make them grow.  We will be reading the books Jack and the Beanstalk, The Tiny Seed and Grandpa's Garden.  


We will also be learning about the celebration of Holi and Easter and talk about the changes that are taking part in our environment and gardens as we move into spring.


It is also World Book Day on 7th March and we will be watching a production of The Wizard of Oz.  We can't wait to see the dressing up outfits.


We have been busy in our outdoor area planting sunflower seeds. We can't wait for them to grow and to see which one will grow the tallest!

The Wizard of Oz


For World Book Week, we are enjoying reading and learning about:  The Wizard of Oz.

We came into school by walking along our very own yellow brick road!

Wizard of Oz production - we really enjoyed watching this.

We dressed up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day
