How many words can you read and spell correctly?
Phonics Play is now free!
Click on the link below which will take you straight to the home page where you will find the login details.
If unsure, the login details are:
username: jan21
password: home
There are lots of fun games and activities to choose which will help to reinforce your child's phonic skills.
You now have your own login details and can access ebooks.
You can find your own unique password on the letter we sent home.
If you have any problems please call school and we can help you.
If you would like to find some other books to read follow the link below.
This site also has reading and phonic activities for you to try.
Remember you can always read a book from home.
The link above is a sheet containing a list of the year 1 common words. These are the words that you need to try and read and write by the end of the year. Try choosing 2-3 words a day to learn. Remember to read them, cover them up, write them and then check!
Over the last few weeks we have also been working hard on our handwriting and making sure that we are starting and finishing our letters in the correct place on the line. Continue to practise this at home and try to spell your first and last name confidently with the correct letter formation.