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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Spring 2 - Natural Disasters

Our topic question this half term is

'How do natural disasters affect human lives?' 


We are excited to begin our new topic after we have completed our Greeks learning journey.


Click here to see our learning about the Greeks!

Natural Disasters - Hook

To get hooked into our learning, we used our drama skills and pretended we were in an earthquake. We had 5 minutes to decide what we needed to take with us, ‘packed our bags’ and found a safe place to take cover. We then waited for the earthquake to pass, listening to it from our safe places. After we came back to safety, we learnt more about earthquakes, with a focus on the earthquake that has recently happened in Turkey and Syria.

We enjoyed learning about what earthquakes are and what causes them! Next, we will be learning about how earthquakes impact humans!

Embark Award Day! 

Take a look at the positive comments from Y3/4 about our school! 

Summer 1 continued


Take a look at our learning about tsunamis and hurricanes!

Topic outcome


For our topic outcome, we used our knowledge about earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes to create and play a Kahoot quiz.
