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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Year 1/2

Welcome to Years 1 and 2


Miss Lockley (1A), Mrs Clarke/ Mrs Snow (1/2B) and Miss Beard (2C) welcome you to year 1 and 2. Our teaching and learning assistants are Mrs Jones in 1A, Mrs Clay in 1/2B and Mrs Ensor/Mrs Horne  in 2C.



Important days to remember 

1A PE days - Monday and Thursday

1/2B PE days - Monday and Thursday

2C PE days - Monday and Thursday


Please ensure your child comes to school on PE in the correct PE kit (including a white top). Thank you. 

Please be aware that PE days may change each half term


We learn about lots of exciting topics in year 1 and 2!


  • Autumn 1: Where on Earth are the world's continents?

  • Autumn 2: What makes a person a significant individual? 

  • Spring 1: Why is there a statue of Mary Anning?

  • Spring 2:  How are our oceans changing?

  • Summer 1:  What has Queen Elizabeth the Second done for Great Britain?

  • Summer 2:  How does the continent of Africa compare to the United Kingdom?
