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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Sports Premium

The funding has been allocated to show improvements against 5 key indicators:
1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school
3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills for staff
4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities being offered to all pupils
5. Increased participation in competitive sports and after school clubs 

6. Providing more opportunities for providing pupils with broader experiences such as Tough Runner and Tough Rower



Howitt Primary Community School has embraced the opportunities presented by the Sports Premium money available and how we utilise that money is detailed below but more important is the philosophy behind it. The success we have already enjoyed in engaging children is down to the children taking a pride in themselves and their school. Self-belief, drive and a determination to challenge themselves, try new things and to improve, goes beyond sport to all areas of their lives.


Wanting to represent the school is a huge motivational factor for our children and we have been creative and focused in how we have supported our children in achieving this aim. Of course this aspiration has benefits in terms of tackling childhood obesity but it is the sense of purpose and desire to acquire new skills and hone existing ones which is key. Physical Health and Mental Health are of course intrinsically linked and we recognise that the quality of our provision has a significant impact on the lives of our children.



Please see documents below to see how we have allocated our funding and the progress we have made against these key indicators.

Evidence of Sport Premium Funding

We believe that it is important for every child to be involved in fun, physical activities. We believe that our PE lessons will equip children with the fundamental movement skills, creating building blocks to prepare them for sports specific activities. The benefits to children are that they will grow into healthy, well-rounded happy people. The qualities that sports bring to a young person are leadership skills, ability to work as a team and sportsmanship. PE is taught in both competitive and non-competitive settings and is combined with clear teaching in health and well-being.



Year 2 children enjoying boxercise with the PE coach


Trim track fun!



