Past Work
Spread a Little Kindness
The Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy today at 11 am (18.6.20) during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’.
Watch the assembly here:
A recording of the assembly will be available to view on the Oak National Academy website following the event.
A Special Assembly
Please join us for an assembly where Primary school children across the UK can listen to Ant & Dec, David Williams and Sally from the NSPCC for a special assembly in partnership with the Department of Education.
The assembly will help children to understand the huge changes in their lives during the coronavirus pandemic and how important it is to speak about our feelings and thoughts - two things we can all safely share together at this time. Please click on the link to the NSPCC website, which is where you will be able to follow the link and watch the assembly:
For those using Lexia, please follow the instructions on the letter to help your child log on. All login details are in your child's reading record. If you cannot find the logins- the username and password are the same and it is the initial of your child's first name then last name. For example, lbeard.
Mrs Credland's Letters and Sounds Group
Below are some activities to practise learning from our spelling lessons.
You will find words to spell with different suffixes and some plurals to write. Why don't you have a go at writing your own sentences using some of the words you have been practising?
Challenge: how many other words can you find with the same suffix?
Online Letters and Sounds
Keep in touch with your maths learning, by completing the daily activities on the White Rose Learning Pages.
There will be video lessons published online, with worksheet activities available in each week stars below.