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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Autumn 2 - The Romans

Our topic this half term is

'Why do we remember the Romans?' 

To get hooked into our new topic, we learnt about the Roman army and designed our own shields. We learnt how to be a soldier and became the Howitt army. We then worked as a team to create different formations for battle.

We really enjoyed exploring our English text in a new way! We investigated lots of clues and worked in teams to be detectives and use our inference skills.

Click the icon below to take a look at some of our independent work about what the Romans left behind in Britain!

Romans Outcome 


Inspired by our text in English, we used and applied our knowledge about the Romans to create an information booklet about what the Romans did for us. We added this booklet to our school library to help others with their own research about the Romans.
