In school, we follow the White Rose scheme of maths learning. To support learners at home, White Rose have developed free online learning tools and activities which can be accessed from home.
Follow the link below:
Click on the sunflower if you would like to do some extra maths activities.
This link is updated each week with new material so please keep visiting! 

Activities linked to the White Rose Scheme of Learning:
Week 6 Activities:
Week 5 Activities:
- Lesson-1-Ordering-numbers.pdf
- Lesson-1-Answers-Ordering-numbers.pdf
- Lesson-2-Answers-Recognising-coins.pdf
- Lesson-2-Recognising-coins.pdf
- Lesson-3-Recognising-notes.pdf
- Lesson-3-Answers-Recognising-notes.pdf
- Lesson-4-Counting-in-coins.pdf
- Lesson-4-Answers-Counting-in-coins.pdf
- Make the total.pdf
- How much do the ice creams cost.pdf
Summer term 2: Week 1 Activities
Week 2 Fractions:
During this half term in class we would have been learning about time. Try to read the time to the hour, half and quarter hour at home over the next few weeks, on an analogue clock.
Also try to think about and draw things that you do at certain times of the day e.g. get up, have lunch. Can you write the times underneath?