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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


 Try to tick off as many as you can with your child/children during their time at Howitt Primary Community School.


 The children’s folders are kept in school at this time. There are many activities which can be achieved at home even during lockdown!


All you need to do it make a note of the number and collect some evidence, this may be written, recorded or even a photograph.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could give out  lots of awards?


  1. Learn a musical instrument and perform it to others
  2. Complete a reading challenge
  3. Times Tables – award for improvement
  4. Spellings – award for improvement
  5. Complete a school bike ride over 10 miles
  6. Perform a lead role in a school play
  7. Achieve 25 metres swimming
  8. Write a book/article for the website/school newspaper/song
  9. Appear in the media for something successful or win a competition
  10. Have a conversation in a different language
  11. Piece of artwork displayed in a gallery
  12. Raise over £50 for charity
  13. Take part in a triathlon
  14. Attend a school residential
  15. Solve a complex problem
  16. 100% attendance
  17. Receive the head teachers award in assembly
  18. Receive individual praise from a member of the community
  19. Write and read a prayer in assembly
  20. Bring in an individual award that you have achieved outside of school
  21. Produce a new invention/idea that makes a difference
  22. Conduct a science experiment and tell us about it
  23. Deliver a powerpoint presentation
  24. Develop one of the following: coding for a new programme, new recipe
  25. Complete work experience and record your aspirations for the future


