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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


Try to tick off as many as you can with your child/children during their time at Howitt Primary Community School.


 The children’s folders are kept in school at this time. There are many activities which can be achieved at home even during lockdown!


All you need to do it make a note of the number and collect some evidence, this may be written, recorded or even a photograph.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could give out  lots of awards?





  1. Participate in 3 school competitions in a year
  2. Take part in a school camp out
  3. Solve a problem with a group of friends
  4. Attend an after school club for at least 6 sessions
  5. Belong to any team outside of school and show us evidence of this
  6. Take part in an enterprise project in school
  7. Represent the school as part of a team
  8. Represent Embark as part of a team
  9. Take part in a school performance to an audience as a team
  10. Represent your class on the school council
  11.  Lead a team of children in school
  12. Convince your teacher over the year that you are an effective team member
  13. Teach another group of children a new skill
  14. Contribute to a team at sports day
  15. Lead peer reading with a group of younger children
  16. Receive an award e.g sticker or certificate etc that recognises your team work or helping someone else
  17. Take part in a team activity outside in the dark
  18. Supporting a fellow member in class who is struggling
  19. Complete a team Project in class with children you don’t normally work with
  20. Build a structure with a team in class
  21. Cook a meal as a team/plan a menu
  22. Learn how to give constructive feedback to a fellow pupil/team member
  23. Show resilience as a team by working together to overcome a difficult situation.
  24. Set yourself a stretch goal
  25. Get a team to set up or scavenger/treasure hunt for children in the Embark family



