Summer 2 - Homework Project
Summer 1 - Embark Homework
Spring 2 - Homework Project
Spring 1 - Embark Homework
Autumn 2 - Homework Project
Autumn 1 - Embark Homework
In Year 5 and 6, it is our expectation that all children are reading to an adult at least three times a week. We ask that parents and carers use the sample questions in your child's reading record to check their understanding of the text they read.
We also ask that children regularly access Times Tables Rockstars - click below to log in.
Each week, children will also be set maths homework on MyMaths. This homework will be linked to what the children are doing in the classroom. Homework will be set each Wednesday. Click below to log in.
Each term, children will be asked to complete a project at home based on either the class topic or The Embark Award. This will be an opportunity for your child gain new experiences and showcase these in a creative and exciting way.
Don't forget that children can also complete tasks towards The Embark Award.