Autumn Term Savage Stone Age
Our Savage Stone Age Topic
Throughout Autumn 1 and Autumn 2, Year 3 will be learning lots about the Stone Age.
Autumn 1
During Autumn 1, we have taken inspiration from the book 'Stone Age Boy' to support our learning about Stone Age people. We have used our senses and expanded noun phrases to describe the setting of a Stone Age camp, we have used our expanded noun phrases to create a Stone Age menu and we have used some fabulous fronted adverbials when writing our own stories about travelling back in time to the Stone Age.
To gain lots of background knowledge, we have also watched Horrible History's - The Savage Stone Age to learn some gory facts. Find out what we learnt by asking us the following questions:
- What are Stone Age people called?
- What did Stone Age people use moss for?
- What was the cure for a headache?
- What was the cure for measles?
- How did they cure backache?
- What part of the human body did they eat and why did they eat it?
- What did they do as a hobby in their spare time?
- How did they make paint and brushes to paint the cave walls?
- How did Neanderthals speak to one another?
- How did they hunt woolly mammoths?
We are all looking forward to our trip to 'Creswell Crags' next half term.
Autumn 2
During Autumn 2, we continued to learn more about the Stone Age. We visited Creswell Crags and we learnt more about how people lived during the different periods of the Stone Age and how Creswell Crags changed over this time. We were lucky enough to visit a cave where Stone Age people had actually lived and we also got to make lots of Stone Age art including cave paintings.
We also learnt a lot about Stone Age homes and how the types of homes that Stone Age people lived in changed over time. We then wrote our own persuasive house brochures. We used lots of persuasive language and expanded noun phrases in our writing.
We also read our new book called 'How to wash a woolly mammoth'. Firstly, we learnt
about mammoths so that we could become mammoth experts. To learn how to write instructions, we followed instructions on how to make a woolly mammoth. We then finished by finally writing our own instructions for how we think a woolly mammoth should be washed.