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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Summer 2

Welcome back to our last half term together! 


During this term We have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned. We will be starting our learning journey by thinking about ways to look after ourselves and to keep ourselves safe. 

We will also be learning about how to use technology and the internet safely.


We will then start our new topic ‘What a Wonderful World!’ where we will be discovering and exploring different places around the world and finding out how children live in different countries. We will then make comparisons with our own lives in Heanor.

Sports Day 2023!


We really enjoyed taking part in our first ever Sports Day! We all took part running, egg and spoon and sack races. We then took part in an obstacle race to finish. It was lovely to have so many of our grown ups come along to cheer us on!


Reception results:

Haddon 54 points

Kedleston 34 points

Hardwick 31 points

Chatsworth 28 points

Staying Healthy!


This week we have been learning about different ways to keep ourselves healthy.  One of the ways that we have learnt to keep us healthy is by eating healthy foods to give our bodies lots of energy. 

We decided to make our own healthy sandwich. We took time to write a shopping list and we then walked to Tesco to buy the ingredients we needed.  

When we came back to school, we assembled our healthy sandwiches ready to eat. They were yummy!
