Resources provided free of charge from companies
Free resources from companies
The following companies are offering free access to their websites, to enable parents to download a variety of resources, that their children can complete over the coming days/weeks, should we have to close.
Amazon stories - As long as schools are closed, children can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories from Amazon.
All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet using the following link
Music and singing - free to use online from Sing-up at Home
The people at Sing Up want to ensure that children are still able to experience the benefits of singing. Music and singing are incredibly powerful, and can help support us in so many ways – emotionally, physically and intellectually. The benefits are endless...
Explore our free resources to keep kids learning and singing outside of school.
Songs and backing tracks - EYFS and Key stage 1 children (nursery and infants)
Songs and backing tracks - Key stage 2 children (juniors)
- Collins E-Books - Have a look at all of the Collins Big Cat books to share with your child - there are over 330 books to choose from. Go to and then enter the username and the password Parents20!
Go Noodle - Help your children be active in the home!
Cosmic Yoga - This is the same yoga and mindfulness activities that are used in the classroom. (Free when watching over Youtube)
- Primary Music - A music page full of fun cross curricular activities.
- Twinkl free resources - Twinkl School Closure Home Learning resource packs for parents of primary school children can help you keep your children learning during the Coronavirus outbreak. To find out more about how to use the Twinkl website and what's available to help parents, read the informative guide here.
- Twinkl - Use this code to get a one month ultimate membership, totally free of charge. Code: UKTWINKLHELPS
- Sumdog - free maths and spelling games
- TTS group home learning activities -
At TTS, we know that schools are beginning to plan and prepare for potential Coronavirus school closures and we want to help! We have created a curriculum-focused independent learning resource with over 40 home learning activities all planned and all prepared!
- Classroom Secrets free home learning packs -
Classroom Secrets have created home learning packs...each pack contains all you’ll need to ensure your children continue to learn during any school closure.
- Espresso tools from Discovery Education - when visiting the website, click "Login" from the top-right of the page and select Espresso to enter the username, which is student10067. You will need the password from your child's reading record.
- Oxford Owl books - Welcome to our free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3–11 years old. Help your young child learn to read, and love to read, with our range of over 100 free eBooks.
- Phonics Play - This is a site with games and activities to support learning in phonics. See Oxford Owl sheet in reading record book for your child's phonics phase.
- Hit the Button - This is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving and much more.