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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


Our French Intent

At Howitt Primary Community School, we recognise that by encouraging our children to be open to learning other languages, we will enrich their lives and enhance their understanding of people, places and cultures around the world. Learning a foreign language will not only help them to see that they are part of a global community, it will give them an appreciation of diversity and encourage them to celebrate differences worldwide. It will also equip them with skills which will enable them to pursue opportunities to study or work abroad in the future.


Whilst French is the language we have chosen for our children to learn in depth, we are constantly alert to the many opportunities provided by our creative curriculum to introduce children to other languages eg exploring English words with Greek roots in a topic about the Ancient Greeks. This, in turn, impacts on their understanding and knowledge of not only the English language, but on language use across the curriculum.


 It is intended that when pupils leave our school, they will have a natural curiosity and confidence to explore, other countries, cultures and languages, accepting that in a multi-lingual society it is a valuable skill to be able to communicate effectively with others in another language.  Furthermore, they will be engaged and prepared to continue language learning at secondary school.

Celebrating the Day of European Languages 


Every year, on the 26th September, countries around the world celebrate the many different languages spoken throughout Europe. On Friday 24th September, Howitt Primary pupils in KS1 and KS2 will take part in a range of activities finding out more about some of those languages. KS2 children will also take a closer look at different aspects of French culture, including finding out about French artists in the Louvre, and following the route of the Tour de France. We might even have a little taste of French cuisine! Watch this space! 


Check out the official website for more information: 

Our French Day!   

vendredi 24 septembre


What a great day we had on Friday ! In fact -  it was magnifique!  We  remembered to greet each other with Bonjour or Salut throughout the day and we practised saying s'il vous plaites and merci when  we ate our pain au chocolat and drank our chocolat chaud. Take a look at our photos to find out what else we got up to!

Year 2

Year 2 had lots of fun learning to say the names of les couleurs and les nombres  in French with the help of their panda puppet! They also used maps to locate France and the United Kingdom.  

Class 3/4 G

The children agreed that their French snack of croissants and chocolat chaud was trés délicieuse!  They had a busy day finding out about other languages spoken in Europe and building their own image of the Eiffel Tower using art straws. They also took part in an Art Treasure Hunt outdoors to find out the names of some of the most popular artists in the Louvre gallery.  

Year 5

Year 5 found out that Paolo Veronese's painting 'The Wedding at Cana' was the biggest painting in the Louvre Art Gallery in Paris. They wanted to see just how big the painting was so they measured out 62m2   on the playground and had a go at recreating it in chalk! It looked  'superbe' !
