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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Non Screen Activities

A list of suggested activities (to keep your children entertained) that don’t require a screen!

We have started with four weeks of activities to cover the two weeks that we should have been at school and the two weeks of the Easter holidays. If we are off school longer than this, we will add more activities.









How many different words can you make from the letters in the sentence below?

Grab a pencil and paper and write a list!


“Learning from home is fun”

Thank a community Hero.

Think of someone that helps you in some way and write a short letter to thank them!

Get building

You could build a Lego model, a tower of paying cards or something else!

Can you create your own secret code?

You could use letters, numbers, pictures or something else! Can you get someone else to try and crack it?

Start a nature diary.

Look out of the window each day. Keep note of what you see. Birds, flowers, changes in the weather… anything else?


Write a film/book review

Watch a film/read a book (or think of your favourite film/book) and write a review/design a cover for the film/book.

Hold a photo shoot

Use a camera to take some photos.

What will you photograph? Your pet, your toys or something else!

Electric investigation

Make a list of all the electrical items you can find in your house.

Can you come up with any ideas to save electricity?

Design and make a homemade board game

Remember to write a set of instructions for your game! Play the game with your family.

Do something kind for someone

Can you give someone a compliment, make them something or help them with a task?


Can you invent something new?

Perhaps you could design a new gadget or something to help people? Draw a picture and write a description

Can you create a story bag?

Find a bag and fill it with 5 items from around your house. Write a story that involves these items.

List making!

Write a list of the things that make you happy, things that you are grateful for or things that you are good at.

Design and make an obstacle course

Create it either in the house or in the garden (depending on space) How fast can you complete it?

Build a reading den

Find somewhere cosy to snuggle up and read your favourite book!


Keep moving

Make up a dance routine to your favourite song

Make your own book

Write your own story. Can you illustrate your story too?

Get sketching!

Either look out of the window or find a photograph. Try to copy what you can see.

Draw a map of your local area

Remember to add on the interesting landmarks that are near you.

Junk modelling

Collect and recycle materials from inside and outside the house. What can you create with them?








How many different words can you make from the letters in the sentence below?

Grab a pencil and paper and write a list!

“Howitt Primary Community School”

Invent your own sport

Think of a new sport or activity that could be done in a PE lesson.

Draw a picture of something that makes you happy.

This could be anything at all. Take some time to really think about this object before drawing it.

Write a song about something you like.

You could use household objects as instruments if you’re feeling really creative!

Play charades or hangman with your family.

Remember to agree on the rules first!


Create a home workout.

 See if you can make a workout which is similar (or even better) than Joe Wicks’

Have a go at some yoga!

Relax and take some time to think about things that are important.

Get baking

Can you do some baking with an adult? Muffins, cakes and cookies can all be simple to make!

Play 11 (or Once)

Take it in turns to count. You can say up to three numbers on your turn. Whoever says the number “11” loses.

Do something kind for someone

Can you give someone a compliment, make them something or help them with a task?


Hide and Seek

Hide a toy/teddy for someone else to find. Use whatever indoor and outdoor space that you have.

What’s on the menu?

Sit down and discuss what you want to eat next week? Maybe you could buy some ingredients to make something for your family!

Play 20 questions

Think of something or somebody. Someone else has 20 questions to try and work out what it is. You can only answer with “yes” or “no”.

Create a stand-up comedy routine

Time to cheer everyone up! Put together your favourite jokes and see if you can make others laugh.

Create a time capsule.  

Find a box. Put things in it to remind you of this time. You can draw pictures/write things down too!


Design and compete in your own “Mini-Olympics”

Come up with a series of events to compete in. This can be done on your own too – set yourself a record and then try and beat it!

Make a fact poster.

Write down facts that you can remember about a topic.

Add pictures to your poster.

Can you teach someone else something about your topic?

Write a diary entry

Write a short diary entry about your time at home. Remember to include your thoughts and feelings!

Create a scavenger hunt.

Have a good search around the house. Write a list of things that you see. See if someone else can find these things too. This could be done indoor and outside.

Learn a new skill!

Time to learn something brand new! This might be:

-How to make your bed

- How to tie your shoe laces

-How to tell the time

- Something else
