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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Evening Owls

Evening Owls


Howitt Primary Community School provides a safe and enjoyable after-school club for your child; giving flexibility to parents and carers. 


We are pleased to offer this service from 3:20pm until 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, during term time at a cost of £9:00 per child per session and is payable via ParentPay. You are only charged for the sessions that your child attends.


‘Evening Owls’ is led by Mrs B Clarke, Mrs N Bridges and Mrs C Bryan. At the beginning of the session, the adults collect your child from their respective classrooms. We can collect your child from a Howitt after school club if necessary too. All children are welcome from nursery age through to year 6.


Our fully trained staff ensure that there is a wide range of activities on offer to the children such as various crafts, board games, outdoor games and lots more. A healthy snack and drink is also offered each evening e.g. cheese and crackers, sandwiches with a variety of fillings, hot dogs.


If you wish your child to attend, please contact the main office to register your interest and book a place.


