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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Autumn 1 and 2- Ancient Civilizations

Our question this half term is:


What can we learn from the earliest civilizations?


This term, we will be learning about ancient civilizations from around the world. We are focusing on the Ancient Sumer, Indus Valley and Shang Dynasty civilizations.


Ancient Civilizations Hook


To get hooked into our learning we were given lots of different pictures related to different ancient civilizations. We had to guess what our topic was and what the different pictures represented. We had fun talking to our peers and generating ideas before presenting them to the class. 

The Ancient Sumer 

Ancient Sumer Life

Today, we enjoyed using our independent research skills and our knowledge from our history lessons to create posters about Ancient Sumer life. We found out that girls couldn't go to school in the civilization and they had to pay taxes, just like we do today!

Ancient Sumer Cities 

We learnt all about Ancient Sumer cities and had a go at drawing our own using archaeological evidence!

The Indus Valley

Indus Valley Life

Indus Valley Cities

We researched and found out all about Indus Valley cities! We enjoyed creating our own interpretations based off the evidence we had found!

Indus Valley Inventions

We learnt all about the inventions of the Indus Valley time period. We were very intrigued to learn that we still use some of their inventions today! 

Did you know? 

The Indus Valley people invented the dice!


In Autumn 2, we will be learning all about the Shang Dynasty and creating our own civilizations based off the knowledge we have gained through our history learning!

The Shang Dynasty

Shang Dynasty Life 


We enjoyed creating posters all about Shang Dynasty life, including, jobs, the hierarchy, pets and slaves!
