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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Letter to the children from Mrs Pilling


Dear Children


I really wanted to take time this week to write to you as it has been just over two weeks since we had to close your school to most of you. I especially hope you are being kind to your parents and carers who will have been trying to support you over this last fortnight.

We always talk about ACE- Achieve, Care and Enjoy and how important it is in school. Now is the time to remember and use our ACE motto in everything you do at home.

Our school is still open to some children - I wish it was all of you but until we beat the

coronavirus together it can't be, but it has been lovely to see some of the activities that you have been taking part in.

Although two weeks have passed I am sure that some of you will still be finding it all very strange - you are allowed to feel unsure from time to time. It is not only you but the grownups too who are trying to get used to a very different way of living at the moment. Remember you are not alone, you are part of our community and things will get better. Although some of you might be frustrated and even a little annoyed at having to stay home it is what we all need to do help everyone stay safe. I am so pleased that you are following the rules and staying at home and not even going to the park in this lovely weather.

I am so proud of how you responded in school over the two weeks when things were changing so quickly; how you followed the hand washing routines, how you behaved and how you remained positive. It was lovely to see.

If you are one of our Year 6 children, you need to know that all the staff and the community really feel for you. We all know how hard you have worked and how well you were preparing for the final term. We also know that not being able to take part in the end of year activities will bring a real sense of sadness to you (and to us).

Let's all hope that we can come together for some time before this school year ends so that we can say a proper goodbye.

I am missing all of the busy days, the smiling faces and good mornings that greet me each day. I know the staff are too. I miss visiting your classes, looking at how you enjoy your learning and speaking to you in the corridor.

As the summer term arrives we have made sure that there is plenty of work for you to dip in and out of so that you can keep that learning going.

Aim to be ACE at home, remember things will get better and you will come back to school and we look forward to seeing you all.

Take care of everyone and stay safe

Achieve your best

Care for others

Enjoy learning


Mrs Pilling
