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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Past Work

Classroom Secrets Weekly Workbooks


Please see below for the previous weekly booklets that have been created during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Here is your Viking topic challenge:

  1. Can you find out about a famous person in history who is linked to your topic? (History)
  2. Can you find out about a famous event linked to your topic? (History)
  3. Can you create a picture about your topic? (Art)
  4. Can you make a model linked you your topic such as a longhouse or a longboat? (Technology)
  5. Can you make a fact sheet about certain aspects of Viking life such as clothing, law, entertainment, weapons? (English)
  6. Can you write your own adventure story known as a Viking saga? (English)

    7. Can you prepare a talk about your topic and could you make a Powerpoint presentation?


We look forward to seeing how creative you can be!

Mrs Marshall & Mr Wylie 
