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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Year 4

Please click here for our current Year 3/4 class pages, to see what we are learning!





In previous years, we have had separate Year 4 classes -

 scroll down to see their learning below...





Below is our learning journey in Year 4 . It looks like we're going to be busy!

AUTUMN TERM - An Indian Adventure

Year 4 begin their learning journey by finding out all about India. We will begin with a WOW Day to experience a little bit of Indian culture through art and looking at Indian temple architecture and the Taj Mahal. We will use our geography skills to learn about where India is located and find out what the climate is like there. We will research facts about the rivers and mountains of India. In Music, we will listen to some music played by Anoushka Shankar, a famous sitar player, and find out about other Indian instruments. We will also learn some Bollywood dance routines in PE.






In our RE lessons, we will be learning about Hinduism. We will also use our history skills to find out about the discovery of an ancient civilisation in the Indus Valley. We will finish our topic by using our creative skills to make Indian themed artefacts and creating our own India and Hinduism information books. 


SPRING TERM - A Greek Odyssey

This term we are learning about the Ancient Greeks.  We will discover where and how they lived, their mythology, and the legacy they left behind.  Through our cross curricular work we will investigate ancient Greek art and design, looking at pottery and silhouettes. We will complete design and technology projects, learning how to strengthen columns out of just paper, and design and make Greek theatre props. We will even have our own ancient Greek Olympics, where we will find out what it was like to take part in the earliest Olympic Games. Ancient Greece was the home of many famous thinkers and great ideas so we shall use our research skills to investigate these. We will be reading about all sorts of gods and monsters in famous Greek Myths and Legends and we will be writing our own Greek Myths. To end our topic we will learn about Greek theatre to help us to write our own plays. If the weather is good, we might even perform them outdoors on our outdoor stage!



We will look at how Greece was divided into city states and explore why the Athenians and Spartans were always falling out. We will find out why Athens became known as the birthplace of democracy and will use this to develop our understanding of the importance of British Values. We will also solve a Greek gods murder mystery!






SUMMER TERM - Heanor: history and habitats

In the Summer Term we will be making the most of the good weather and spending a lot of time learning outdoors. Our Science unit is Habitats so we shall be investigating animal homes in our local area and further afield. We’ll find out what creatures make their homes in our school grounds and we'll design and build bug hotels. Then we’ll make our own Deadly 60 fact files about the world’s deadliest animals.



We'll also be delving into Heanor's fascinating past,  looking at how land use has changed over the years and finding out about the local Victorian authors William and Mary Howitt. 
