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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy


Homework expectations


Reading - In Year 4 we would like your child to read at home 3 times per week and have their reading record signed. We will monitor this regularly in school and move children through the reading scheme as their reading progresses. There are reading rewards for your child too!


My Maths - your child will complete one My Maths lesson in school per week and will be set the homework task to support their learning. Please ask your child to log on to the website weekly to complete their homework task.


Times Tables Rock Stars - makes learning times tables fun and fast! Please encourage your child to play the different times tables games for at least 20 minutes every week.


Useful websites to support your child's learning at home

Purple Mash - this site has many different activities to support children's learning in all areas of the curriculum.  


Your child has their own login details for these websites. Please ask their teacher for help if they have lost them.
