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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Autumn 1 - India and the Indus Valley

Our Indian Learning Journey in 3/4E 


Throughout Autumn, we enjoyed learning about India. We learnt about where India is in the world, the countries that border India and the surrounding oceans. We learnt that India is in the continent of Asia and we enjoyed locating India in the world using atlases and maps. We enjoyed learning about the Himalayan Mountains and the River Ganges that run through India. Surprisingly, we learnt that India has 6 different climate zones!


In our English lessons, we continued to learn lots more about India. We read lots of texts which were set in India. Our favourites included: 'The King of Kites', 'Bulbul's Clever Wife' and 'Finders Keepers? A Bus Trip Across India'. Our India information booklets were one of our favourite pieces of work that we produced in English as part of our India learning journey. Our booklets were our end of topic product. 


We loved learning about Indian art and we learnt about block printing - a technique used in India. We then spent time designing, creating and using our own printing blocks and we made a whole class piece using all of our printing blocks.


In our RE lessons, we enjoyed learning about Hinduism which is one of the main religions in India. 


We also enjoyed our PE lessons where we learnt and performed Bollywood dance routines.


What a fabulous Autumn term we had! 
