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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Year 3

School Closures January 2021


Information about home learning in lockdown 2021 can be found here and on this page you will your home learning timetable for each week. (Please see 'star' below). 


For week one, (from 5.1.21) we are sending home a work pack with some activities in, a book to complete the work in, a pencil and login details for your own online reading books (please contact school if you need to collect this).


From week two, (from w/c 11.1.21 onwards) we will be setting online work and we will be checking that work is being completed. Regular feedback will be given including in our morning welcome meetings (starting w/c 11th January). 


Message to year 3:

We are sorry that we can't teach you all in person at the moment but we hope you have lots of fun completing your online learning. You will have a new timetable each week that matches what you would be doing in school. Each lesson has an activity or a link to a website for you to complete. For some lessons you will need your logins for Purple Mash, My Maths, TTRS and your new Collins Big Cat reading login which is in your pack.


Remember, you can also keep in touch with us via the 2Email app on Purple Mash and we will be holding our daily 'Meet and Greet' sessions at 9:30am on Google Classroom as from Monday 11th January.


Take care and stay safe!


Miss Brooks and Mr Donaldson 




The work you will find below is from the previous lock down and previous isolation periods (2020). 

December 2020 - Y3 (Class 3/4E).


If you need to isolate at home for any reason, please log in to Purple Mash and see what learning activities you have been asked to complete. 


The lessons will mostly follow what you would have been studying if you were in school. 

Make sure you complete the tasks set so that your teacher can mark the work you have finished and give you feedback.


Please log in to MyMaths and complete any activities set. 


Please make use of TTRS and complete a sound check. Please complete 20 minutes of time.  


November 2020 - Y3 (Class 3/4E).


If you need to isolate at home for any reason, please log in to Purple Mash and see what learning activities you have been asked to complete. 


The lessons will mostly follow what you would have been studying if you were in school. 

Make sure you complete the tasks set so that your teacher can mark the work you have finished and give you feedback.


Please log in to MyMaths and complete any activities set. 


Please make use of TTRS and complete a sound check. 


W/C 2nd November work: 


Maths: This week, we are learning about symmetry. Please check MyMaths and see the sheets below


English: This week, we are learning about similes and using them to write a character description. We are also learning about possessive apostrophes. Please see the sheets below and Purple Mash


Reading: Please see Purple Mash


Topic/RE/Art: Rangoli patterns and Diwali. Please see Purple Mash


Spellings: Homophones. Please see Purple Mash


PE: Fitness! Why don't you try a Joe Wicks work out?



            March - July 2020 Lockdown Learning From Home 




We are working hard to ensure that you can keep learning whilst you are at home.

Below are our 'Learning at Home' timetables, which will be published weekly with suggested activities for each day. 




Spread a Little Kindness

The Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy today at 11 am (18.6.20) during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’. 


Watch the assembly here:


A recording of the assembly will be available to view on the Oak National Academy website following the event.


A Special Assembly


Please join us for an assembly where Primary school children across the UK can listen to  Ant & Dec, David Williams and Sally from the NSPCC for a special assembly in partnership with the Department of Education.

The assembly will help children to understand the huge changes in their lives during the coronavirus pandemic and how important it is to speak about our feelings and thoughts - two things we can all safely share together at this time. Please click on the link to the NSPCC website, which is where you will be able to follow the link and watch the assembly:
