School Logo

Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Support your Child

This part of the website will have details of activities to do at home, how you can help your child and information about procedures in school.  It also contains useful numbers for parents and contact details of outside agencies that can offer support to families.


Giving your child little messages to pass on or three things on your shopping list to get will help with memory tasks. Reading the time or asking how long is it until the bus comes will help with the use of the clock. Learning times tables and daily reading is a very important way of helping your child progress.



Please come into school to talk with the class teacher if you would like further information.

Please use the websites listed below to help your child with their learning at home.


Follow the link for easy logon to Purple Mash at home

Useful information for end of year assessments for KS1 Year 2 and KS2 Year 6

KS1 and KS2 sample papers

Early Years support

Phonic Support





Times table games


Parent Support from Outside Agencies


Multi Agency Team (MAT team)   01773 746174

Information on home education can be found by clicking on the link below

Derbyshire domestic abuse support line  08000 198 668 or text 07557 800313


CAMHS Temple House provide help and advice on eating disorders  Tel: 03007900264



Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND (Formerly Parent Partnership): 01629 533668
