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Howitt Primary Community School

Achieve, Care, Enjoy

Our Governors

Please find below details of how our Governing Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor.


The Governing Board is made up of elected members of the community; these are voted in by the Governing Board. Parent governors are nominated and votes are taken from parents.


All governors, along with the headteacher, are responsible for the management of the school. In executing its responsibility the Governing Board meets regularly in order to address such issues as employment of staff, the school building, financial management, curriculum and assessment, behaviour and discipline. Each year the Governing Board completes an Annual Statement that outlines the work of the governors and the development of the school. We also complete a regular update for parents (see links below).


Please visit Embark Federation to see the scheme of delegation. Please see Embark Federation's pecuniary business interest.

Our Governing Board

Co-opted Governor

Co-chair of Governors

Mrs Carolyn Wood

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.2026 

Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%


Up until my retirement in 2016, I worked for Derbyshire County Council for 26 years and during that time, I held a number of roles including headteacher, School Improvement Adviser and Ofsted Inspector. Throughout my professional career, I have always been passionate about ensuring that all children achieve their potential in their school life and in supporting them and their families to this end. In my role as a School Improvement Adviser, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to work closely with Howitt Primary Community School in shaping its future so, when I retired, I was delighted to be asked to join the governing board and support the school from a new and exciting perspective. I really enjoy coming into the school on a regular basis and meeting with and chatting to the children, staff and parents.


Co-opted Governor

Co-chair of Governors

Mrs Jane Bowley

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.26


Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%


I was proud to be re-appointed as co-chair of governors at the start of this school year.

I have a strong background in education. Before I retired, I taught in primary schools for thirty-eight years and I was a school governor for thirty-six of those years.

Being the deputy headteacher at a nearby school also enabled me to gain a good knowledge of this area. I had lots of opportunities to work with Howitt Primary Community School and to join in activities with them.

During my career I was; the co-ordinator for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Designated Child Protection lead, maths co-ordinator and literacy co-ordinator. I was also acting headteacher for some time.

I continue to enjoy being a governor at Howitt Primary Community School and a being part of the Embark Academy.  I work hard to do the best I can for the school including: taking part in further training, monitoring visits and contributing to action plans, policies and  reviews.

The school staff and senior leadership team always give us a warm welcome and the motivation and enthusiasm they have for the progress of the pupils is infectious.

Of course, the pupils are at the centre of everything we do. I often have the opportunity to talk with them and they are always polite and give lots of helpful feedback and ideas.



Headteacher Governor

Mrs Lynn Pilling

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.26


Business/Pecuniary Interests: Yes

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%


I was appointed as class teacher at William Howitt Junior School in 1997. I became acting headteacher of the junior school in 2006 after the retirement of the current headteacher. I was appointed the deputy headteacher of Howitt Primary Community School after William Howitt Junior School and Mary Howitt Infant School amalgamated in 2007. I became acting headteacher at Howitt Primary Community School after the sudden death of the then headteacher and I was appointed as the headteacher in January 2016. 

It has been hugely rewarding working with governors, staff and children at Howitt Primary Community School over the years. I am totally committed to providing the children in our continuously improving school with the best education and opportunities that I can, working together with the whole school community.

I am very proud to work at Howitt Primary Community School with such a committed and hard-working staff and have relished the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of developing Howitt Primary Community School into the good school it is today.  

We are  part of the Embark Multi Academy Trust; this gives our children many more new and varied opportunities and experiences, as they move through Howitt Primary Community School.

Business Interest - son is a self employed roof, guttering and window maintenance.



Co-opted Governor

Mr Brian McBean

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.26


Business/Pecuniary Interests: Yes

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 80%


I am a teaching and learning assistant at a secondary school and have been involved on the governing board for many years and my family have had three children attend Howitt Primary Community School. I enjoy playing an active role in the life of the school and strive to give all children who attend Howitt Primary Community School my support. I am passionate about helping young people achieve their potential through education and ensuring youngsters have the best opportunities to succeed whilst growing into responsible and caring individuals.

Pecuniary interest: wife is employed as TLA at Howitt.


Teaching Staff Governor

Miss Beth Pilgrim

Appointed: 22.1.24

Term of office ends: 22.1.28


Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: N/A

I joined Howitt Primary Community School in September 2021 as an early career teacher. I am proud to have been elected as a staff governor and represent the amazing team at Howitt Primary. I am committed to working with the governors in order to improve the school and provide our children with the best learning experiences and opportunities. I am very pleased to be working alongside a dedicated team of governors to support and drive our school forwards.  





Associate Member

Mrs Deborah Walker

Appointed: 12.09.2023

Term of office ends:  11.09.2027


Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%


I am very proud to be serving as an associate member.  I am currently working at the school as School Business Manager.  



Parent Governor

Mrs Donna Walters

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.26


Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%


I have been a parent governor since April 2014. I have a daughter who attends school in key stage 2.
I took on the role as I wanted the opportunity to understand more about Howitt Primary Community School and help support the school in achieving the very best for the pupils.



Associate Member

Deputy Headteacher


Mrs Clare Rhodes

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.2026


Business/Pecuniary Interests: Yes

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%


I am proud to say that I am the Deputy Headteacher at Howitt Primary Community School. I have been in post since April 2016 and I am passionate about supporting Mrs Pilling, the governors and staff, to drive the school forward. I feel that it is a real privilege to work in such a friendly school with a fantastic staff team and supportive governing board.

I joined the teaching profession in 2003 and during this time, I have had a number of fulfilling roles across key stage 1 and key stage 2. I am committed to ensuring that our school provides the very best opportunities for all of the children.

Business interest - husband is a self employed grounds maintenance person.


Parent Governor

Mr Joe Harvey

Appointed: 5.12.22

Term of office ends: 4.12.2026


Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 67%


I have been a governor at Howitt Primary Community School since 2016 and really enjoy being part of a team dedicated to making sure Howitt Primary Community School is the best it can be. I have one child at the school and as a parent, I believe I can inject the reason and voice of parents in to the conversations we have and the decisions we make. I am an experienced solicitor working in private practice in Derby. I really feel that I can use my vast experience to support and help to drive this fantastic school forward in this exciting time.



Clerk to the Governors

Mr Rob Moore


I have been a clerk to school governors now for almost 15 years. I first started in early 2004 by simply offering to help a school out for a few weeks when they found themselves without a clerk.  As is with many such offers to help, I am still at that school as clerking is a role that I have come to enjoy as I feel it’s my turn to give back to the community and I am now clerking at several schools within the county. I have been the clerk to governors at Howitt Primary Community School since 2015.





Local Governors who have served at any point over the last 12 months:



Teaching Staff Governor

Miss Lucy Brooks

Appointed: 6.12.2021

Term of office ends: 5.12.2025

Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 83%


Co-opted Governor

Mr Darryl Richardson

Appointed: 5.12.2022

Term of office ends: 4.12.2026

Resigned office: 30.1.2023

Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2021-22: 100%



Non-Teaching Staff Governor

Mrs Louise Lacey

Appointed: 5.12.2022

Term of office ends: 4.12.2026

Resigned from office: 19.6.23

Business/Pecuniary Interests: No

Governor at another school: No

Attendance 2022-23: 100%










Minutes of the full Board of Governors and committee meetings are public documents. If you would like to see any of the minutes, please ask at the school office.


Dates of future board and committee meetings are available on our school calendar.


How you can contact the governing board


We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents and carers.


Any enquiries for the Governing Board should be addressed to:

Mrs Carolyn Wood, Co-Chair of Governors or Mrs Jane Bowley, Co-Chair of Governors, Howitt Primary Community School, Holmes Street, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7FS.
